工作地点: 北京市
学 历:本科及以上
招聘人数: 1
1. 负责完成IT服务器架构规划,虚拟化和云规划。Responsible for IT server architecture,
virtualization, and cloud service planning
2. 负责根据应用系统需求,提供服务器架构相关解决方案;并负责实施、部署和运维;Responsible for providing server
architecture related solution to meet application requirements. Responsible for
implementation, deployment and operation of the solution.
3. 按照BBAC IT
运维流程管理方法论ITIL负责服务器运维,包括服务器配置与维护、系统的日常管理、监控和故障分析;负责操作系统补丁升级和漏洞管理Based on
operation process methodology ITIL, responsible for server configuration,
operation including monitor, routine management, trouble shooting, patching,
vulnerability check, optimization, etc.
4. 按照BBAC IT制定的项目管理方法论,
实施协调管理由IT管理层批准的IT项目。保证项目按计划成本和节点完成,监控并保证项目质量。为相关的IT项目提供基础设施相关咨询服务及方案。Based on
BBAC IT project methodology, fully responsible for the project approved by IT
management. Ensure the project budget and timeline, generate and control the
milestone, and ensure the project quality. Provide ITI consultant and
5. 参与建立IT流程管理IT活动,提供高稳定、高可用的IT服务。 Participate in setting up the IT process
to manage the IT activities, and delivery the stable IT service with high
6. 确保定期与IT管理层,IT同事,IT组长高效沟通,汇报项目进展状态,及时升级问题,有记录问题清单。追踪,协调项目运维问题的状态,
确保项目和运维平稳完成。Have regular efficient communication with IT management, supervisor
and colleagues to report project and operation status and escalate issues in
time. Generate and maintain issue list, tracking and coordinate based on the
issue list, ensure successful project and smooth operation.
7. 根据公司流程管理项目和运维变更。Manage project and operation change request based on
company process.
8. 按照 Build for Run
原则管理项目,交付项目成果,执行运营模式,保证支持团队有足够知识传承,提供高质量IT服务。支持组长加强团队建设。Manage project based on
Build for Run Principle, handover of system development and project
deliverables, execute operation model, to support team with good knowledge
transfer and to improve IT service quality. Support the Supervisor of IT to
enhance IT team construction.
1. 本科毕业及以上学历,计算机相关类专业Bachelor and above graduated from universities,
Computer related major.
2. 精通HP/DELL/IBM系列服务器,具备硬件安装调试、操作系统环境配置和故障判断能力;Proficient in HP/DELL/IBM
server installation and configuration, operation system, trouble shooting of
server operation.
熟悉Windows操作系统、AD、DNS、Exchange、文件共享;熟悉Linux和VMware日常管理与维护;云服务经验优先。Familiar with
Window OP, AD, DNS, Exchange, file share, also with Linux and VMware operation
management and maintenance. Experience in cloud preferred.
4. 3年以上系统集成与运维经验,具有企业级数据中心运维经验者优先;3 years + system integration and
operation, prefer enterprise datacenter operation experience.
5. 计算机使用熟练,具备英文读写说的能力,有德语能力优先。 Proficient in computer, fluent English
communication. German is PLUS.
6. 具备良好的团队协作精神和沟通表达能力。Good team spirit and communication skill.
7. 具备很强的设计能力, 高压力环境下高效地优先排序并执行任务的能力Strong capability of designing, Ability
to effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a high-pressure environment.