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来源:汽车研究网   编辑:侯小南  2024-05-10 15:18:44 字号   打印  收藏


  The 23rd China International Exhibition on Internal Combustion Engine & Powertrain Equipment



  中国北京 北人亦创国际会展中心



























  Guiding Units:

  Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China


  China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association

  Support Units:

  Industry and Information Technology Department of Jiangsu

  Industry and Information Technology Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province


  China Machine Tool & Special Equipment Company

  Society of Automotive Engineers of Jiangsu

  Jiangsu Agricultural Machinery Industry Association

  Zhejiang International Trade Exhibition Co., Ltd.

  Shanghai General Aviation Association

  Jiangsu Hardware Industry Association

  Jiangsu Mechanical Engineering Society

  Shandong Equipment Manufacturing Network

  Shandong Machine Tool General Machinery Network


  China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association

  OrientBetter Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd.



  China International Exhibition on Internal Combustion Engine & Powertrain Equipment (formerly known as Engine China) (hereinafter referred to as ICE&PE ) has been held through cooperation with colleagues in the industry for 30 years since it was first held in 1994.Over the past 30 years, through continuous innovation, forging ahead, integration of industry resources, the ICE&PE has covered the entire powertrain equipment industry chain from internal combustion engines to powertrains, hydrogen fuel cells, traction batteries, drive systems, etc., has become the benchmark for the powertrain equipment industry. Given this, it is a must-attend event for industry professionals every year. The 23rd China International Exhibition on Internal Combustion Engine and Powertrain Equipment will be held in the Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center during 11-13 October, 2024.The Expo will build a broader and more open exhibition and communication platform for governments, industry associations, institutions, chambers of commerce, manufacturing enterprises, universities and R&D institutions, end users, agents, and dealers, and will attract industry-wide professionals to fully exchange information of powertrain equipment technology development and industrial upgrading, so as to give off sparks of innovation in the collision of ideas, to provide fertile soil for industry iterative updates, and to jointly promote wider applications and more sustainable development of the powertrain equipment industry.

  四、展会亮点Exhibition Highlights


  Annual event for the latest power products such as powertrain, new generation internal combustion engine, fuel cell, electric drive axle, new energy power, etc.

  2. 多场行业协会年会、创新发展与前沿技术高峰论坛、技术交流会深度洞察探讨行业发展

  Multiple industry association annual conferences, innovation development and cutting-edge technology summit forums, and technical seminars provide in-depth insights into industry development.

  3. 国内外行业用户、对口专业买家、经销商、代理商精准对接

  Precise integration of domestic and foreign industry users, corresponding professional buyers, dealers, and agents.

  4. 进排气、滤清器、增压器、排放后处理、燃料系统维修等特色专业展团集结

  Gathering of special professional exhibition groups for maintenance of intake and exhaust systems, filters, turbochargers, exhaust gas after-treatment systems, fuel system, etc.

  5. 国家级媒体、行业媒体、自媒体深度融合,更精准、更有效、更深入的宣传报道

  National media, industry media, and self-media are deeply integrated to provide more accurate, more effective, and more in-depth media coverage.

  6. 线上线下齐发力,着力打造永不落幕的动博会

  Online and offline campaign activities deliver a never-ending Expo.

  五、展品范围Exhibits Profile

  商用车动力总成Commercial Vehicles Powertrain

  乘用车动力总成Passenger Cars Powertrain

  工程机械及矿山机械动力系统Construction & Mining Machinery Power System

  农业机械动力系统Agricultural Machinery Power System

  飞行动力系统Flight Power System

  船用动力系统Marine Power System

  发电机组动力装备Generator Sets

  园林机械及五金工具Garden & Forestry Machinery & Hardware Tools

  开幕式直播Live Broadcast of Opening Ceremony 46万+人次

  垂直领域媒体同步报道 Simultaneous Reporting by Media in Vertical Fields 40+家

  企业直播专访 Corporate Live Interview 45万+人次


  Live Broadcast of the Unveiling Ceremony for AdBlue CGT&CCAP 5万+人次


  Joint New Product Launch Conference for Outdoor Powertrain Equipment 3万+人次

  原创稿件 Original content 20万+阅读量


  1. 内燃机Engines


  Diesel engine, gasoline engine, natural gas engine, methanol internal combustion engine, biodiesel internal combustion engine, hydrogen internal combustion engine, ammonia internal combustion engine, diesel/natural gas dual-fuel internal combustion engine, hydrogen/ammonia dual-fuel internal combustion engine, gasoline/methanol dual-fuel spark ignition internal combustion engine, diesel/methanol dual-fuel compression ignition internal combustion engine and gas turbine.

  2. 燃料电池发动机Fuel Cell Engines


  Hydrogen fuel cell engine, stack, membrane electrode assembly, proton exchange membrane, bipolar plate, catalyst, materials, etc.

  3. 动力电池Power Batteries


  Battery electric vehicle powertrain, extended-range electric vehicle powertrain, hybrid powertrain, traction battery, electric drive axle, drive motor, steering motor, and electronic control system.

  4. 动力传动系统Power Transmission System

  变速箱、车桥、差速器、离合器、变速齿轮、传动轴及中间轴等机械传动;阀板总成/液压控制系统、制动器 、油泵、传感器、CVT钢带/链条、电磁阀芯、控制策略壳体等液压传动;发电机、电动机、齿轮等电传动。

  Mechanical drivetrain such as transmission, axle, differential, clutch, variable gear, drive shaft and intermediate shaft; valve plate assembly/hydraulic control system, brake, oil pump, sensor, CVT steel belt/chain, solenoid valve spool, hydraulic gear housing; electric drivetrain such as generator, motor, gear, etc.

  5. OEM与售后零部件OEM & Aftermarket Parts


  Turbocharger, piston, high-pressure common rail, fuel pump nozzle, exhaust gas after-treatment system, intake and exhaust systems, heat exchanger, filter, motor, crankshaft, connecting rod, cooling water pump, oil pump and other OEM and after-sales parts.

  6. 再制造及技术装备Remanufacturing & Technological Equipment


  Engine remanufacturing, transmission remanufacturing, parts remanufacturing, disassembly, cleaning, assembly, testing and other remanufacturing technologies and equipment.

  7. 智能制造Smart Manufacturing


  Data machine tools, industrial robots, cutting tools, molds, measuring tools, intelligent manufacturing systems, intelligent sensors, 3D printing equipment, industrial automation hardware, industrial automation software, testing equipment, instrumentation, digital management systems and other intelligent equipment.

  8. 用品及服务Supplies & Services


  Lubricating oil, coolant, cleaning agent, AdBlue, oil testing, energy-saving technology, computer software and hardware for research and development, design, testing, diagnosis, management consulting and quality certification and other technical services.

 六、同期活动Concurrent Events


  CICEIA Directors (Enlarged) Conference and 2024 4th China Internal Combustion Engine Science and Technology Innovation Conference (Beijing)


  Commendation Conference for Leading Enterprises in the Internal Combustion Engine Industry in China.


  2024 "Innovation Power Star" Award Ceremony


  Unveiling ceremony for AdBlue CGT&CCAP


  China Filter Industry Annual Conference and Innovation Development and Frontier Technology Summit Forum


  2024 Joint Annual Conference and Group Standards Review and Project Approval Review Conference of Internal Combustion Engine Committee of CAMS and Standardization Committee of CICEIA


  SAE-JS 2024 Annual Conference and Intelligent Connected New Energy Vehicles and Automotive Electronics Key Technology Forum


  Wuxi Automobile and Parts Industry-University-Research Matchmaking Conference


  Cooling Water Pump and Oil Pump Branch Member Meeting of CICEIA


  Corporate New Product Launch Conference


  1. 卡车、客车、乘用车、公交车、房车、专用车、特种车辆、飞机等交通运输行业

  Trucks, buses, passenger vehicles, public buses, RVs, special purpose motor vehicles, special vehicles, aircraft and other transportation industries.

  2. 挖掘机、装载机、起重机等工程及矿山机械制造企业

  Excavators, loaders, cranes and other engineering and mining machinery manufacturers.

  3. 拖拉机、联合收割机、排灌机械等农业机械生产企业及经销商

  Agricultural machinery manufacturers and dealers of tractors, combine harvesters, irrigation and drainage machinery, etc.

  4. 工农林渔建筑作业、飞行培训、医疗救护、抢险救灾、航空护林、空中游览运营企业

  Industrial, agricultural, forestry and fishery construction operation, flight training, medical rescue, emergency rescue and disaster relief, aerial forest fire protection, air tour operation enterprises.

  5. 客船、货船、小型舰艇或高速船舶生产企业

  Passenger ships, cargo ships, small ships or high-speed ship manufacturers.

  6. 通信、电力、银行、医院、地质勘探、石油钻探企业

  Communication enterprises, electric power enterprises, banks, hospitals, geological exploration enterprises, and oil drilling enterprises

  7. 园林、市政、城管、林业、住建、风景园林绿化行业

  Landscape, municipal administration, urban management, forestry, housing construction, landscaping industries

  8. 动力系统、零部件、再制造等机械制造企业

  Power system, parts, remanufacturing and other machinery manufacturing enterprises

  9. 维修企业

  Maintenance enterprises

  10. 政府部门、行业商协学会、科研院所及第三方服务机构

  Government departments, industry trade associations, scientific research institutes and third-party service organizations.


  A 商用车 Commercial Vehicle 26%

  B 工程机械及矿山机械 Construction & Mining Machinery 20%

  C 农业机械 Agricultural Machinery 18%

  D 动力系统及零部件 Power System & Part 14%

  E 乘用车 Passenger Car 9%

  F 发电机组 Generator Set 5%

  G 船舶 Marine 3%

  H 通用航空 General Aviation 2%

  I 园林机械 Garden & Forestry 2%

  J 其他 others 1%

  八、部分知名参展企业Brand Enterprises

  展商评展Exhibitor evaluation


  During the exhibition, the Power Research Institute received a total of more than 100 professional merchants, distributed more than a thousand copies of various promotional materials, and had depth communication with customers such as marine machinery enterprises, local rescue centers, and auto enterprise suppliers to actively strive for cooperation.Through this Expo, the Power Research Institute fully demonstrated its power technology innovation achievements, new product research and development capabilities and product support capabilities in recent years, highlighted the top-level leading effect of the Power Research Institute's development concepts of "Two Jumps Out of Research Horizon" and "Two Perseverances", and further enhanced the brand influence of "Weapon Power" to play a positive leading role in promoting the industrial transformation and upgrading of the Power Research Institute and accelerating the transformation of technological achievements.

  --Power Research Institute of NORINCO Group Co., Ltd.


  Themed "Power Changes the World", this Expo covers the entire power industry chain. It is a centralized exhibition with combination of technology and trade, and echoing of OEM and after-sales markets. This Expo stands as a premier event in the global power equipment industry.This is the first Expo after the COVID-19. It is the first year of the implementation of the China IV standards for the non-road powertrain equipment industry. This Expo has shown great attractions, as it attracts more than 200 exhibitors, many domestic and foreign internal combustion engine brands and related parts manufacturers, and hundreds of thousands of online and offline professional visitors. The Expo is an unprecedented splendor.

  --YTO (Luoyang) Diesel Enging Co., Ltd.

  收费标准 Cost




  电话:+86 10 87313532/87314515/87311325

  传真:+86 10 87310977


上一篇:美国 Littelfuse 参加 AUTO TECH 2024 华南新能源汽车功率半导体展
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在消费群体扩容、电动化、智能化技术快速迭代的背景下,NEAS CHINA 2024第十三届大湾区国际新能源汽车技术与供应链博览会、中国汽车供应链创新成果交流大会暨大湾区产业链对接活动将于2024年12月04日-06日在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)隆重召开。展览面积达60,000平方米,吸引来自全球1200家参展品牌,预计为50,000+观众带来贯穿新能源汽车产业链的前沿创新成果,立足行业前沿,横跨产业上下游,打造一个聚焦新能源汽车技术与供应链一体化科技盛会,从多角度展示创新展品和前沿技术,实现供需双方的无 [详细]
2024-05-27 09:59:54
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2024-05-14 15:57:20
美国 Littelfuse 参加 AUTO TECH 2024 华南新能源汽车功率半导体展
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2024-05-08 18:09:40
芯海科技携系列化车规产品闪耀登场 AUTO TECH 2024 华南展
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